Java, Python, C, Ruby, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Go, SQL.
Data Mining, Web Design, High-Performance Computing, User Interfaces, Algorithms, Artificial Intelligence, Parallel & Distributed Systems, Security, Graphics & Design, Software Testing.
Personal Analytics Web App
November 2012 - August 2013
Personal side-project
Tech: Nginx, GoLang server on Amazon-EC2-Micro-Ubuntu
PostgreSQL data storage,
Responsive HTML and CSS layout,
Natural-Language-Parsing with Go and Redis,
BackboneJS framework for client-side JavaScript rendering,
SASS and CoffeeScript pre-processor for CSS and JavaScript.
Previous versions built using Python-Flask, MongoDB and AngularJS.
Hand-gesture based computer interface
Fall 2012
Embedded System Design (EE445) - Final Project
C - Drivers to read flex-sensors and accelerometer and output a binary code.
Java - Read binary code through USB port and use Java Robots to generate mouse events.
Android Image Processing
August 2012 - April 2013
Senior Design Project
Team: Beichen Guo, Chuan Xu, Feni Varughese, Timothy Chan, Victor Vo
Mentor: J. K. Aggarwal
Sponsor: Texas Instruments
Java - Android API,
Pandaboard E.S. with LCD Touchscreen for prototyping,
OpenCV / JavaCV Image processing libraries.
Automatic music generator
Personal side project
Java - JMusic to play and output MIDI files.
Line following robot
Fall 2009
UT Robotics & Automation Society (RAS), Robotathon 2009
Team: Feni Varughese, Jim Jin, Na Chen, Victor Vo.
Mentor: Mohit Taneja
C code to interface with RASWare drivers.
Robotics starter board provided by R.A.S.
Bot designed and built by the team.
2D Platformer
High School Computer Science II, Final Project
Team: Feni Varughese, Marv Marasigan, Victor Vo.
Tech: Java game engine.
Graphics from online resources.