Hi, I'm

Feni Varughese.


Software Engineer. Human.

Java, Python, C, Ruby, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Go, SQL.

Data Mining, Web Design, High-Performance Computing, User Interfaces, Algorithms, Artificial Intelligence, Parallel & Distributed Systems, Security, Graphics & Design, Software Testing.

Major: Electrical and Computer Engineering
Core: Software Engineering & Academic Enrichment
Graduating: December, 2013
Concurrent & Distributed Systems, Longhorn Startup Seminar, Data Structures, Algorithms, Software Engineering & Design Lab, Embedded Systems Design Lab, Telecommunication Networks, Elements of Databases, Digital Image and Video Processing, Elements of Graphics & Visualization, Digital System Design using HDL, Probability, Matrices & Matrix Calculations, Scientific Computing In Numerical Analysis.


Personal Analytics Web App

Thyself.io was my first serious web-design project. The concept was simple: A digital journal to track and analyze your daily life data. The site evolved over many iterations as I learned and experimented with different frameworks, libraries and tools. To simplify the user experience, I created a novel natural-language-parsing interface to allow users to log complex entries in plain English. I obsessively built a hyper-optimized Go+Nginx server to reliably handle hundreds of concurrent connections with just a tiny server.

November 2012 - August 2013
Personal side-project
Tech: Nginx, GoLang server on Amazon-EC2-Micro-Ubuntu
PostgreSQL data storage,
Responsive HTML and CSS layout,
Natural-Language-Parsing with Go and Redis,
BackboneJS framework for client-side JavaScript rendering,
SASS and CoffeeScript pre-processor for CSS and JavaScript.
Previous versions built using Python-Flask, MongoDB and AngularJS.

Gesture Gloves

Hand-gesture based computer interface

A Minority-Report style computer interface that allows you to control your computer pointer using hand gestures. Two flex-sensors on the thumb and index finger controls clicks and an accelerometer guides the mouse around the screen based on your hand's tilt.

Fall 2012
Embedded System Design (EE445) - Final Project
Tech: C - Drivers to read flex-sensors and accelerometer and output a binary code.
Java - Read binary code through USB port and use Java Robots to generate mouse events.


Android Image Processing

InSight is an Android Image Processing application to isolate a whiteboard region from a complex scene and correct its perspective to improve readability.

August 2012 - April 2013
Senior Design Project
Team: Beichen Guo, Chuan Xu, Feni Varughese, Timothy Chan, Victor Vo
Mentor: J. K. Aggarwal
Sponsor: Texas Instruments
Tech: Java - Android API,
Pandaboard E.S. with LCD Touchscreen for prototyping,
OpenCV / JavaCV Image processing libraries.

Infinite Music Machine

Automatic music generator

What if a music player could learn your taste in music and not just recommend similar songs, but compose original songs just for you? Infinite Music Machine (and Poetry Machine) uses Markov chains to learn the sequential structure of songs and poetry and generates new sequences following the same rules.

Personal side project
Tech: Java - JMusic to play and output MIDI files.

Epic Fail

Line following robot

Epic Fail is the quirky, stubborn robot who has no plans what-so-ever to take over the world. Failey has an infrared-sensor to detect and follow lines on the course and uses a range finder to (try to) avoid walls.

Fall 2009
UT Robotics & Automation Society (RAS), Robotathon 2009
Team: Feni Varughese, Jim Jin, Na Chen, Victor Vo.
Mentor: Mohit Taneja
Tech: C code to interface with RASWare drivers.
Robotics starter board provided by R.A.S.
Bot designed and built by the team.


2D Platformer

Pulsar was my first large-scale project and what really made me fall in love with programming. We started knowing only the basics of Java and programmed a simple, fun game with beautiful parallax backgrounds, A.I.'s that chase you around and JET-PACKS!

High School Computer Science II, Final Project
Team: Feni Varughese, Marv Marasigan, Victor Vo.
Tech: Java game engine.
Graphics from online resources.